Mothers Day Bouquet

A hand tied bouquet in our natural, free flowing style, made up of our florist's choice of premium quality flowers and mixed lush foliage. We have selected cheerful pastels to celebrate the special Mum's out there. Bouquets will be beautifully presented in a gift wrapped glass jar.

Mothers Day Bouquet
Image for illustrative purposes only. Illustrated image is large

Would you like to collect your order from the shop or have it delivered?

Collections are available from 10am.


We deliver to the following areas of South East Wales: Cardiff (CF3, CF5, CF10, CF11, CF14, CF15, CF23, CF24, CF30, CF91, CF95, CF99).

Standard delivery charge is £5.00. Only one delivery charge will be applied per address per delivery day.

Deliveries to Barry (CF63), Penarth, Dinas Powys (CF64), Pontyclun (CF72), Caerphilly (CF83), Newport (CF10) and Pontypridd (CF38) by prior arrangement only. Please contact us on 029 2062 7587.



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Prices inclusive of VAT
